Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The story of Anna Reed.

First off, I will say she is named after my sister "Anna" and my Great Grandmother "Reed." After the post complaining about how she hadn't came yet, we were getting ready to watch the SEC Championship game. We had a good morning, all of us here, just relaxing and went to Milo's for lunch. I knew it was going to happen that day... details not necessary.. I just KNEW. So I told PJ we can just take it easy all day, bc we will be at the hospital by the time the game is over. Sure enough, by the time the game started I was having contractions. It is the weirdest thing, it's like I really can't ever tell when I'm in labor. It doesn't hurt, or really even "contract" that hard, it's almost like an unsettled stomach ache, that starts consistently. So, PJ packs his bag, and we decided to wait as long as possible before heading to the hospital. Well, the DR told me to wait a few hours, and I certainly wanted to wait as long as I could but, given my last birth record, I knew no time should be spared. I didn't listen to him, and went on to the hospital. We got in our room, and I was READY. I dialated super fast, and we waited around (all while cheering on Florida.) By the 4th quarter I was fully dialated and ready to go. The nurse said I'll go get the Dr, and I said "but, don't we have to push for a while first!?" She said "no, she is ready now!" So, I pushed twice, and there she was! We were all shocked at how much hair she had. (unlike anyone in from our families!) I was now a mother of 2, and we were a family of 4.