Monday, March 15, 2010

The Club

Wow, what a week this has been. It started last Friday when my sweet Cole, got his fingers smashed in a big wooden door at school. It was AWFUL! I put a bandade on it (later, HUGE mistake) and called PJ and said meet me at his pediatrician, thinking they would take a look at it and tell me he probably needed a stitch or two. Once we got there and waited AN HOUR to see the Dr, all to have him have to pull off the sticky bandade off of a broken finger, imagine the pain. Once he saw it, and we did too, we all almost fainted. His nailbed and basically the top half of his finger was hanging by a thread. It was broken, and smashed, and it was undescribable. So, the Dr told us to get to the Emergency room at Childrens Hospital. Once we got there, we went straight back to a (nice) room, and immediately saw the Dr. He came in, and told us it was pretty bad, so he wanted to send in the hand specialist. They decided he needed to be put under and have a little reconstructive surgery and a few days later, would need a cast. After painful hours watching our sad, yet still wild little boy, who wasn't the least bit slowed by the event, have to go through this. It was harder on us, than him. We stayed in the room with him and watched the whole thing. (well, from a couch that we werent allowed to get up from, from fear we might pass out.) Cole did great. The next day, we went back for his cast. We waited 4 HOURS before seeing the Dr. They put a cast on, we got home... and 2 hours later, the cast was in the floor of his playroom. The next day, BACK to the hospital. (We called, they told us it might be a good idea to come on up that night to the ER and I said, over my dead body, we'll put him to bed, then come in the morning. After hours and hours and 5 Dr's visits later, this is how he looks now a days.