Sunday, December 28, 2008

I forgot how much I love going to the movies.

Cole is still at the grandparents and I got to go to the movies, it has been forever! Advice to all, go see Marley and Me! I am a dog lover, however, I have terrible allergies and can't always show this. I have to pet Jack practically through our window. Tonight -bring on the benedryl- he is sleeping with me! Okay, kidding... but I wish. Oh, and bring tissues.. bulk kind..from Sams.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm Pretty Famous.

Yes, it's true. page 127 in Southern Living. I have a signing at Books-A-Million at 1pm.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I heard about e-mealz through a small group I was in last semester. Well, it has to be the best idea I've ever heard. I am paying someone $5 a month to plan my meals, exact my grocery list and guarantee I won't spend more than $40 a week on dinner. The first meal was great! I'll let ya know how it goes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I have not been in the Christmas spirit. I don't know why, but it just doesn't feel the same. Is it age or the fact our economy sucks so bad, I feel that I'm taking a gamble each time I buy a gift. Not sure, but this afternoon I decided maybe if I made something "Christmas-y" I would get in the spirit. Here is the turn out, snowmen with earmuffs. Honestly, I still feel the same and now I will weigh more.

steak is served

I definetly hit up the Western Warehouse sale. It was awesome. We will be eating steaks for months - possibly living in a cardboard box- but eating right!
This is about 1/3 of the meat I bought.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Did anyone see the "Secret Millionaire?" OH my, it is good! I'm not sure when it started, but we caught 2 episodes last night, and not a dry eye in the house for 2 hours! It was awesome. I'm so inspired, I'm going to KMart and looking for people to buy a gift for. Only diff... I give away in tens.